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Rolling out a Twitter Campaign can present you with a great #win. I’ve always said this and I always will. But be careful to what’s going on. Very careful.
You see that dark lonely bird feather? That can be the result of your Twitter Campaign, if you don’t pay attention to a certain aspect of this bird. The little bird may fly high, or it may kill you. Period.
Birdy can’t haz memory.
Twitter will help you engage much in Social Conversation over it’s platform. I know this, because I’ve ran a Pre-Launch campaign for the Beta Version of (my startup) and I built much Buzz for it. It was far better than what I had expected. Sounds great, right? Well it was. Untill…
One single moment in time. . .
It was at the end of the campaign. The platform I wanted to launch was ready. People had submitted the tweets I asked them to submit for the contest. And they were great. And they were many. Given by many. Over a 2 months period. Great again, but then it was time to announce the winners. And their tweets were nowhere to be found. Twitter doesn’t keep search results for more then a week or so. Zoiks!
That’s when I’ve realised a few things:
1) People tweet a lot: Yes, I know this because I had to manually search each user’s twitter timeline. Try doing this just for fun to one of your friend’s timeline. Find something he tweeted 2 months ago. Scroll down. See how much time it takes you to reach that tweet from 2 months ago. Do it now!
2) You have to constantly save tweets somewhere: You have to, if you want to avoid manually searching timelines. I will come up with a solution on the next post. So be sure to follow it. Or follow my Facebook Page.
3) You just can’t rely on Twitter: Think about it. It’s your company we’re talking about. Or the company whose Social Media you manage. I advise using a mix of Blog and Twitter. But more about this in my next post.
The campaign was succesful. But it took far more work then it was supposed to.
Don’t take this whole Running a Contest on the Social Media lightly. You have to get it right. All of it. Especially when you’re working on schedule and wish to deliver on time. Relying too much on Twitter can kill your whole campaign and use the Buzz you’ve created against you.
So I hope you’ve found this article helpful. Please write a few words about it or about your experience using Twitter for Social Media campaigns. And also remember to subscribe to my Facebook Page to see when the next article comes out. It will offer the solution to Death by Twitter.
About the Author:
Florin Muresan is a Senior Social Media Manager, ready to make the Social Media presence of your company Enchanting and Compelling, so that your communications will reach their end: the #Win point.
You can check out his Facebook Page or ask him for a Free Quote, for your company.